
Name : Dr. Manju C K
Designation : Guest Faculty
Department : CHEMISTRY


Qualification M. Sc. NET, Ph. D
Total Work Experience
Seminar / Conferences Organized
List of Publications
Administrative Responsibilities Undertaken
Positions Held
Books Published
Paper Presented in Conferences / Seminars 1. Highly luminescent monolayer protected Ag56Se13S15 clusters at Gordon Research Conferences: Clusters & Nanostructures, July 09-14, 2017, Mount Holyoke College, USA (poster).
? 2. Highly luminescent monolayer protected Ag56Se13S15 clusters at Asian Academic Seminar 2016 “Advanced Materials, Processes and System for Sustainable Development”, December 14-20, 2016, Tokyo (oral and poster).
? 3. Highly luminescent silver selenide clusters at the 18th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, February 04-07, 2016, Punjab University Chandigarh (poster)
Awards / Honours 1. Best poster presenter award at the 18th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry
Countries Visited SA: Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Colum
Personal webpage
Additional Responsibilities
No of PhD / M Phil / Projects Guided
Major and Minor Project Undertaken
Research Interests Nanoclusters, nanoparticle