Student Satisfaction Survey
Every year the IQAC takes a student satisfaction survey with the help of a questionnaire from all the stakeholders of the institution like the alumnae, student community etc. they are free to put in their comments about the quality of service they are offered. The student satisfaction survey helps the institution how students feel about the college's environment and facilities. This survey asks students to assess educational, social, and other aspects of our institution. Regular feedback is collected at various stages from the stakeholders to make sure that the stated objectives of the institution are met with effectively. Each student can record and evaluate the performance level of their teachers. These responses are consolidated in the form of a report. The Feedback Committee examines and analyses this report before submitting it to the Principal. The College Council, after its deliberations and discussion, entrusts the Committee to chalk out solutions to the problems raised by the students which will be implemented with the supervision of the Principal.
The feedback from other stakeholders is collected through well-prepared questionnaires. Parent feedback is collected during PTA meetings. Alumni feedback regarding various services rendered and amenities provided to them by the institution is collected during the alumni meetings conducted by various departments. The alumni associations also provide valuable feedback inputs. The feedback about teacher performance is collected by the teacher assessment committee of the college. The criteria for assessment include punctuality, ability to deliver, subject expertise etc. This feedback is reported back to the teacher concerned confidentially. Teachers are asked to improve their performance based on the student feedback. The academic monitoring committee examines the implementations of various suggestions registered by students during the feedback process. The analysis of the Alumni and PTA feedback is entrusted with the IQAC and an analysis report is drafted and discussed in the IQAC meeting to seek suggestions from the members. Feedback from the parents is also discussed in the executive council of the Parents Teachers Association. The valuable Suggestions and creative criticisms were taken to accelerate the further development of the institution. These suggestions are also reported to the college council which takes appropriate action. The alumni feedback is also an important source of inspiration for further development of the college and they mobilize financial assistance to provide basic and necessary infrastructure in the college and hostel.